EDC EIP group

Non-profit association Estonian Dairy Cluster has followed the principles of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) from establishment, and that is also included in the association’s statutes. It registered itself as an EIP working group at the end of 2017.

The EIP working group led by the Estonian Dairy Cluster consists of non-profit association Estonian Dairy Cluster with its members and research partners TorroSen OÜ, Animal Breeders´ Association of Estonia, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Celvia CC AS, and Eesti Põllumajandusloomade Jõudluskontrolli AS (Estonian animal performance recording database and services).
Within the framework of its cooperation, the working group wishes to:

The Estonian Dairy Cluster engages in cross-border cooperation with the EIP working group led by the University of Oulu Kajaani research centre, Finland, in its capacity as the lead partner in EIP cooperation. This is the first time that European Innovation Partnership working groups have worked together across borders. Cooperation projects on the Estonian side are MAVAS, beefEST, WISECOW and on the Finnish side SMARTFEED, and GOOD FOR CATTLE.

Latter EIP groups cooperation has brought more members to contribute. The sustainIT project consortium members were Estonian Dairy Cluster and Estonian University of Life Sciences​ (Estonia), University of Oulu (Finland), Halmstad University (Sweden) and Technical University of Munich (Germany).

The European Union’s EIP principles and sectoral topics can be found here. The agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) is a sub-sector of the above-mentioned agriculture and forestry, created in 2012 to contribute to Europe 2020: A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. EIP-Agri website can be found here:
The Agricultural Research Centre is responsible for the Estonian EIP-AGRI service point.